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8:30 - 5:30



What can be said about Marcos that hasn't already been said? Well, that's hard to say, because I don't know everything that's ever been said about him. I mean, I don't have time to see if someone else has already said "He's a hard worker by day and artist by night." Even if someone else has already said it, I don't care, I'll say it too!

I'd even give him a slogan like 'You can't spell Bob Ross without using some of the letters in Marcos.' (On second thought, maybe I should skip the slogan thing, that was awful.)

Well as one of the main production guys, he creates art in each sign he makes. (Hey, maybe that should be his slogan... Or I can combine that two, You can't create Bob Art with each sign of the letters in Marcos... Ok, I officially made something worse than the first slogan.)